Europan 10 - Runner up prize
TERUEL FUSION GATES OF TERUEL and FUSION PARK Throwback project General view of the riverside and the position and programmatic DNA of...
Reforma de la Iglesia de Soraluze, Gipuzkoa :: libro digital
En este libro digital de arquitectura se recogen los argumentos y soluciones del proyecto de reforma integral de la Iglesia Sta Maria La...
Most Innovative Architecture Firm 2018 - Basque Country
Drawing on the vast experience of Xabier and his team, Barru Arkitektura has been very dynamic since inception, and remains committed to...
Winner Architect of the Year 2016 - Basque Country! _ Build Architecture Awards
BUILD Magazine has announced winners of the 2016 Architecture Awards, United Kingdom. Xabier Barrutieta barru architecture |urban design...
Reportaje y entrevista sobre Orona Ideo: un Campus de Energía Casi Nula
Recientemente se ha inaugurado Orona Ideo, un parque tecnológico de primera generación, que tiene como vocación desarrollar un ecosistema...